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All absences should be called in to the school (913) 627-6590 prior to the start of the student’s session.

Excused Absences

An excused absence is defined and has been classified excused by the Board of Education as the stated reasons below.

Absences shall be excused for the following reasons:

  • Illness of the student or medical appointments
  • Urgent need of the child to be at home due to illness in the immediate family
  • Death in the family
  • Absences for religious observances
  • Participation in a district approved or school sponsored activity or event
  • At the discretion of the administration, students whose parent or person acting as a parent is an active duty member of the armed forces and is leaving or deploying shortly for military services
  • Absence approved by the principal and prearranged by the parent, student, and principal
  • Absence approved by the principal and prearranged by the parent, student, and Director of Student Services.

Unexcused Absences

An absence will be classified as unexcused if it does not fit one of the eight Board of Education’s reasons for excusable absences or the District’s attendance procedure is not followed, and fails to comply with the District’s procedures and the State Compulsory Attendance Laws.

Note:  If your child will be absent you may leave a voicemail message at (913) 627-6590.

Examples of an unexcused absence:

  • Missed Bus
  • No Transportation
  • Out of Town
  • Vacations
  • Babysitting

Pick Up/Drop Off Policy

All temporary and permanent changes to student pickup/drop-off routines must be communicated to the office.  This can be done in person or by calling (913) 627-6590.  Please do not leave a voicemail for changes to your student’s pick up arrangements.  Calls regarding a change in pick up must be received at least 30 minutes prior to the student’s dismissal.  This policy will allow for sufficient time to communicate the change to staff.  Transition times require significant planning and communication amongst staff, for this reason changes will not be accepted less than 30 minutes prior to dismissal.

Note:  For the safety of your student and our staff, please adhere to the following procedures:

  • All families must sign in at the office and have a visitor pass if they are picking up their child early.
  • For families of our students that will be picked up from school, please stop at the office or wait in the lobby until the dismissal announcement is made.
  • Please have your personal identification ready when picking up your student.
  • No one is permitted to pull a student out of line during transition to bus rooms prior to dismissal.
  • Please wait for the dismissal announcement before going to your child’s car rider room.
  • For families of our students that will be transported by bus, please be considerate of other children and their families. Stopping a bus or having it return to the school so you can take your child home causes the other children to arrive home later and causes their parents to worry about their safety.  Students will not be taken off a bus once the bus is loaded.

In the event that a student is not picked up or dropped off at the appropriate time, the following will occur:

  • Part Day (Car Rider): After three times you will need to meet with your FSW and a school administrator in order to find a solution that best meets program expectations and the needs of your family.  Repeatedly dropping off and/or picking up your student late may result in a loss of Head Start services.
  • Part Day (Bus Rider): After three times of the student being returned to the district’s care (no appropriate adult at the bus stop at time of drop off) the student will lose transportation and may result in a loss of Head Start Services.  Your school administrator and FSW may contact you to find a solution.
  • Full Day: After three times of being tardy or late your student will be moved to a part day opening; if an opening is not available at that time your student will be placed on the part day waiting list until a spot becomes available.  Your student will lose the full day sport whether or not there is a part day opening.  You also may not be guaranteed bus services in part day, as the bus may have a waiting list at that time.

Note:  In the event that your student does not get picked up from school on time, the school office staff will attempt to contact parents and any emergency contacts identified in the student’s file.  If no contact can be made and/or no one is able to pick up the student, the police will be notified and the child could be deemed a “child in need of care.”

Authorized Pick Up List

Changes to a student’s list of individuals authorized for pick up from school can only be made by the enrolling parent.  To make changes, please stop by the office or call (913) 627-6590.

For the safety of all students, no child will be released unless a photo ID is presented and that person’s name is also on the student’s authorized pick up list.

Bus Stop Pick Up

If no authorized adult is available at the bus stop to receive a student, he or she will be returned to school.  Office staff will attempt to make contact with individuals on the authorized pick up list.  If no contact can be made and/or no one is able to pick up the student, the police will be notified and the child could be deemed a “child in need of care.”

Drop Off Procedures

Full day parents may take advantage of “Drop and Drive” between 8:15 and 8:25am. Please enter the parking lot and head east (left) around the entire building. At 8:15, school staff will begin unloading 6 vehicles at a time. Please have your child unbuckled and ready to exit the vehicle with backpack in hand. If at all possible, have your student’s car seat/booster installed on the passenger side of the vehicle nearest the door. Please remain in your vehicle during drop off and follow posted signage and obey traffic rules. Please make your child’s name tag and pin number are visible.  Anyone arriving after 8:25 is asked to park in the front parking lot and escort the student to class.  Do not park in the fire lane under any circumstances.

If you are dropping your child off personally, staff will be available to receive your student at the classroom door.  Arrival times are as follows: 8:15 for Full Day classrooms, 8:45 for AM Part Day classrooms, and 12:55 for PM Part Day classrooms.  Please do not take your child to the classrooms prior to the stated arrival time.  For safety purposes the classroom door will be locked, so that no child is ever left unattended.